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Influence of oil exposure on the physiology and ecology of the common sole Solea solea: Experimental and field approaches ArchiMer
Claireaux, Guy; Desaunay, Yves; Akcha, Farida; Auperin, Benoît; Bocquene, Gilles; Budzinski, Hélène; Cravedi, Jean-pierre; Davoodi, Fariba; Galois, Robert; Gilliers, Camille; Goanvec, Christelle; Guerault, Daniel; Imbert, Nathalie; Mazeas, Olivier; Nonnotte, Guy; Nonnotte, Liliane; Prunet, Patrick; Sebert, Philippe; Vettier, Aurélie.
Evaluating the ecological impact of an oil spill is a complex issue requiring coherently articulated examination of the sequence of interactions that link the cell, where contaminants exert their effects, to the ecosystem, where interactions with human activities arise. This sequence of interactions traverses the frontiers between scientific disciplines (chemistry, toxicology, physiology, and fisheries ecology). Using the common sole (Solea solea L.) as a model species for the coastal habitats polluted by the "Erika" oil spill, our research project attempted to define indices of functional integrity that characterised the consequences of fuel exposure at the different biological levels. The coupling of field observations with experimental laboratory work...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Physiological ecology; Common sole; Complex system approach; Oil spill.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Link between exposure of fish (Solea solea) to PAHs and metabolites: Application to the "Erika" oil spill ArchiMer
Budzinski, Hélène; Mazeas, Olivier; Tronczynski, Jacek; Desaunay, Yves; Bocquene, Gilles; Claireaux, Guy.
An analytical method consisting in enzymatic deconjugation, solid phase extraction and purification, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis after derivatization was used in this study to quantify Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in the bile of fish. The method has been applied in a laboratory experiment studying the fate of pyrene in basin containing soles. This study has allowed the identification of 1-hydroxypyrene as the single metabolite in bile after enzymatic deconjugation. In a second time, 1-hydroxypyrene has been used as a biomarker of exposure in the case of the "Erika" oil spill. This biomonitoring was successful in demonstrating the exposure of juvenile soles to PAHs present in the "Erika" fuel oil.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gas chromatography mass spectrometry; Fish; PAH metabolites.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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